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Dr. Barrow

Dr. Barrow earned her Ph.D. in clinical psychology and is a licensed mental health counselor and educator in private practice for twenty years. The author of Matchlines: A Revolutionary New Way of Looking at Relationships and Making the Right Choices in Love, Dr. Barrow is a well known relationship expert helping individuals, couples, families and businesses improve their relationships and communication skills. Her commentary and advice column, Shrink About This, quotes, and articles are enjoyed by millions of people worldwide in O Magazine, Psychology Today, AIA, GOP Forum, ivillage, Lavalife,,, and Women’s Health.


Mental Health Counselor. Naples, FL. 1989-present. DPR FL # MH0002319. Individual and family counseling, evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment. Brief therapy, custody evaluations, court testimony, forensic evidence, standardization of custody evaluations for Collier County Judicial System, personality and I.Q. testing, marital and relationship conflict resolution, coordination with medical, government, and legal professionals including third shift health research and recommendations for Coors Brewing Company.

Instructor. Mental Health Association, Community Outreach and County Adult Education. Authored and taught classes in Marriage; Couples; Divorce Issues; Psychology; Stress; Relationships; Body Language; Child Development; Self-esteem; Health; Sexuality; and Parenting. American Red Cross, County Probation Department, College Teacher, Computers and Representative to Mental Health Board of Directors.

Ph.D. Clinical psychology. Walden University, MN. 1998. Dissertation: Pathways and Pitfalls of Co-parenting in the Divorce Process. Internship: The Willows of Naples, eating disorders and substance abuse clinic.

M.A. Psychology, Counseling, and Guidance.University of Northern Colorado. Supervised practicum, motivation, relationships, statistics, and test administration.

B.A. Psychology education. University of Northern Colorado. Secondary teaching certification. Business minor.


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