Review: Malia And Teacup by Molly Barrow[: By Starburst_x♥x♥ --> Good mornin' fellow book lovers of AllyKatzz! :] This morning I sit here in my swivel chair (aren't swivel chairs awesome?) to write a review on a pretty cool book.... ~ Malia and Teacup was one big hilarious adventure (and misadventure, I suppose you could say) with a bit of coming-of-age thrown in. Spies, thieves, pirates, a cute little poodle, elephant stampedes, crazy grandparents, a "magical" necklace and a huge but lovable character, Cook, all make this story one of a kind. Each chapter brought about a new adventure full of trouble. Malia has seen, done, and experienced everything. Scorpions? Check. Meeting a spooky fortune-teller? Check. Mean yet popular girls? Check. Participating in a native ritual? Check. Not to mention sleeping in a giant tent every night. At first, I wasn't sure if I would like Malia And Teacup Awesome African Adventure. Yet, I found myself picking it up at every opportunity. I couldn't "get enough" of sassy Malia and her adorable (yet TINY) poodle Teacup. With the story being set in the African jungle, it was extra fun to read. Crackling sounds in the nearby jungle make you jump and the scorpions you find in your shoes make you scream. I just can't really begin to describe the totally cool adventures that this book was filled with. And I have to say, I LOVE Malia's grandfather (um, hilarious much?!) and her grandmother is spunky, let me tell you. One of the adventures would be when Malia was in an African market, met a spooky fortune-teller, and minutes later there was an explosion. I would love to share more of her adventures, but I don't want to spoil the book for you. ;) Also, Malia And Teacup brought up a lot of "touchy" subjects, like bullying, autism, and Creeps. (a.k.a. strangers who get too close to you.) All in all, Malia was a relatable character, and I would most assuredly recommend this book. The age group is appropriate for 9-13 year olds. (Yeaah, I am including myself in that age bracket. ;]) I definitely have to read the second book in the series, Kingdom Of The Thunder Dragon, because in this next installment (more hilarity to come, I'm sure) Malia and her grandfather travel to Shangri-La, and I will not disclose why because the description for this book contains spoilers from the first book, Awesome African Adventure. ;) Love you ALL! -Sarah :) ♥ P.S. Thank you Kiley for this great opportunity! :) Malia and Teacup's official site: http://www.maliaandteacup.com/